A success story - found an investor within 1 month

Our users often ask if and how quickly they can find an investor or business partner online.
Today we want to share the success story of a community project, which you can use as a guide for working with the https://bepartner-global.com platform and effectively finding a business partner.
The project https://klikprint.com.ua/ has been registered on our platform for a month or two. And although the niche is very competitive, thanks to his approach and design of the project, Alexey (the founder) managed to stand out from the other projects and quickly enough found an investor.
What exactly did Alexey do to achieve his goal?
- Clearly defined the goal (why he needed an investor).
- Well-designed project profile and very specifically described his project, experience, and achievements, which immediately gave an understanding of mean business, the product, and niche.
- Got the Standard payment Plan to get the priority in the directory and the opportunity to unlimited contacts.
- Verified the project by the service administration, which made it possible to get the Premium and jump into the TOP.
- Messaged to investors whose interests intersected with the activity. And well thought about the cover letter, so that it was not intrusive
- From a large number of contacts, Alexey continued the negotiations with just three future partners.
- In the end, they shook hands with one of the partners and opened two sales points and are not going to stop.
- Important, special attention was paid to a detailed business plan based on the results of the test run, so the communication was constructive, which is very appreciated by busy people
So we wish every cool project and business idea can find a business partner, but this needs some time, like any other task.
How long will it take you to work with the platform?
- 10 minutes to fill out and set up a profile
- 10 minutes daily to analyze the profiles of potential partners, send out requests and check your messages on the site.
The rest will depend on your communication skills and entrepreneurial talent.
Good luck by matching a partner!