How do I find a co-founder for my team?

It is difficult to found your own business. Entrepreneurship is not an easy way especially for those who try to solve this problem alone. This is the reason why several entrepreneurs, united in a team, usually start a project together.

Partnership in business is convenient because you can share the responsibility and duties with your co-founder, but of course, it’s not that simple. Looking for a reliable business partner, technical co-founder or bizDev for a startup? And, more importantly, where to find motivated employees and put together a professional team. Ideally, if the search for employees is carried out slowly and methodically, everything can be thought over and will go according to plan. However, it is often the case that someone is needed as soon as possible, and a frantic search is undertaken using all possible resources and sites. Here it is necessary to ask, are all these avenues effective in finding exactly who you need? Does it make sense to place an ad in the print media “find employee worldwide” to find a specialist in the IT-sphere? Where will your advertisements bring good results?

Tips, where and how to find a partner and staff

Try to find business partners worldwide online. At first glance, the search for personnel is not such a difficult task. You just need to find a resume. But how do you know that you have the perfect employee in front of you and that you can really rely on them? After all, for a vacancy to be answered by the "right" person, you need to place it in the "right" place. Otherwise, you can lose both time and a potentially valuable employee.

So where should I place an advertisement about finding a business partner and staff? Here are some standard recommendations:

  • Job searching sites - There are a lot of resources where you can find a specialist in a startup by posting both free and paid ads or getting access to the resume database;
  • Social networks - Now there is an opportunity to post vacancies on social media, with a good chance of a high response rate. You can make a post, "Looking for a business partner", not only on the page of your company but also on your personal page. Your friends and subscribers will be happy to help with reposts or recommendations in the comments, which will have a positive impact on the coverage, and thus increase the probability of finding the right person. We also advise you to draw your attention to the profile groups and communities created to communicate with professionals or to find a job;
  • Specialized forums - The search for a partner often leads to forums for your niche. There is always a chance to find an expert "worth their weight in gold" in these places.
  • Banners, billboards, and city-lights on the streets - This is the traditional tactic, but can still be eye-catching and effective;
  • Business networking - Entrepreneurs often look for staff among friends, acquaintances, and relatives.

Where can I find offline business contacts?

You can meet a specialist at business events, events for professionals and business experts, specialized conferences, and exhibitions. Usually, these events are not free of charge, so the people who attend have a real reason to be there. These meetings will give you lots of opportunities to discuss professional topics in a circle of like-minded people, share experiences, hear good advice, or even find a partner for your business project!

There is a great opportunity to find a specialist during webinars, training, and masterclasses. Training is a great investment in development, and in the process, you can get acquainted with enthusiastic, purposeful people who will be close to you in spirit.

We also recommend that you find professional performers using the service Their profiles can be found on the "professionals" tab. You can either place your own ad or consider existing offers. Pay attention to fully completed profiles, as well as detailed and informative announcements.

With the help of our service, you can not only find a worthy candidate by reviewing existing offers on the site but also communicate with him or her life on one of our networking events for members of the bepartner community!

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