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Health capsule Gariaev





up to 1 year

The medical capsule of Gariaev is a well-modernized chamber of Wilhelm Reich. Treatment and cure without medication.





Project summary

Good day, kind people!
I am more interested in sponsorship financial assistance, but I am ready to consider all options for absolutely mutual cooperation. The required amount for this social project is UAH 100,000.
In a nutshell, it will not work, it will have to be expanded so that you understand the whole point.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Petr Gariaev, modernized Wilhelm Reich's orgone cabin, in which a positive energetic wave effect on a person takes place, which causes healing and correct work of biorhythms and the human genome, acting on him with torsion fields. Not so long ago, invented by Peter Gariaev and confirmed in practice, his improved Reich chamber and the generator of the Gariaev matrix with Mishin coils showed amazing positive results. People began to recover, vital energy appeared, and for the hopelessly sick, who were given several months of life by the doctors, it lasted 3-5 years. The range of diseases that you can work with is huge. November 17, 2020 Garyaev died mysteriously. (it was removed).
But all his inventions and developments remained in the public domain, drawings, diagrams, step-by-step assembly. Torsion fields, acting on human bio-energetics, set the vector for the development of cells, DNA, since they must work in their natural cycle, without disease pathogens. This program is read by DNA and starts working to regenerate the cell. Which leads to a general improvement in the work of the whole organism, in the flesh until healing or prolongation of life (if doctors refuse and predict several months of life). In practice, the hopelessly sick was prolonged life by 3-5 years.
This is the future in new medicine, and whoever starts, supports and continues will be rewarded.

For the manufacture of Gariaev's capsule, I have everything, a detailed description, dimensions, materials, application time, how to put it on the cardinal points.
Valery shared the information on the production from the Gariaev center, where there are from 4 recumbent capsules.
This project will not immediately give the desired income, but it is promising and long-term. If you are understanding, patient and willing to wait, we are on our way. The initial goal is not to earn money, but to promote these technologies to the masses, and when people are convinced of the effectiveness of health improvement on their own, we can already talk about earnings.

Grabber, who only have big incomes on their minds right away, without understanding the importance and value of this project, please do not bother.

Project goal: installation of at least 4 sets, but you need to start with one.

Required funding for one set (Gariaev's capsule +
Garyaev's matrix modulator with Mishin's coils + Pharaoh's cylinders + Life Expert Profi hardware and software complex + purchase of universal martitz + laptop + room rent and small things) = UAH 100,000.

The time spent in the capsule of Gariaev is 45 minutes.
The number of people per working day in one capsule is 8-10 people.
The cost of one visit is 250 UAH.
The course of rehabilitation is 30 days, with a repetition in 1 month.

The planned income will begin at least in a year. The profit will be split 50/50 with the sponsoring investor.
On my own I promise to give all my best to achieve the goal. Wellness practice, I will do it myself and keep a full record of all the healing effects on the body.

Only the city of Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk)

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