INCUBATOR - A new innovative online platform that allows users to feel their individuality in the world of investing. There are currently no similar platforms on the internet.
Project summary
The platform includes 3 investment options:
1. StartUp .
The platform will act as an intermediary between investors and startups, helping to find profitable projects for investors and helping startups to attract investments in the project. INCUBATOR will earn commissions from trades.
2. Exchanges.
The platform will host licensed commodity and stock exchanges, open for trading for platform users. Just go INCUBATOR offers trading course on exchanges for inexperienced users in the field.
3. Alternative
The user is offered an alternative way of investing on other sites. INCUBATOR algorithms select the best, in terms of profitability, sites and offer them to users. INCUBATOR also receives a commission from transactions and transactions of users brought to other sites from the INCUBATORA domain.
Each user is provided with an individual personal account.
Each user will be able to edit the main page of INCUBATORA , as well as a personal workplace for their convenience: Move platform objects, change the color and theme of the platform.
Each user is provided with 1 level ( LVL ). The level rises depending on the experience and success of the user in investing.
Every week, the platform will host large-scale and local tournaments for users: the winners receive cash prizes and bonuses.
Assistant Robot
The Assistant Robot is a programmed, animated, voiced, designer 3- D model of a small robot that plays the role of a totem for each user. The INCUBATORA crawling model supports users and recommends investment strategies. (Not a support service, but rather an attractive design idea).
This is a summary of the idea. You can find out more details by contacting us.
the photo of the project project was made in haste and does not fully reflect the idea.