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Biofuel, Pini Kay fuel briquettes.





up to 1 year

Production of solid biofuels. Biofuels. Fuel briquettes. Fuel briquettes Pini Kay.





Project summary

I am an entrepreneur since June 2023. The main type of activity is construction and carpentry. In my region there are a lot of wood processing enterprises, including mine. In which, as a result of their activities, piles of waste remain. That is why I had the idea to create an enterprise for processing woodworking industry waste. Namely, a workshop in which there will be a “Pini Key” briquetting line with a capacity of 350 kg/h. The enterprise will be configured as follows. We bring the raw materials under a special canopy where it is stored, then through the VRP the sawdust is transferred to the seeder, and from there to the bunker with a screw feed. Then we feed the raw materials to the drying complex, from the dryer the raw materials enter the press. After forming the briquettes pass through the end mill where we cut them into the specified sizes. Then we pack the briquettes in thermal film and place them on pallets of one ton each. After forming the pallets, we transport them to a warehouse where they are stored and await shipment. What are fuel briquettes ? Fuel briquettes are compressed pieces of wood, peat, or processed agricultural residues. They are held together by lignin, a natural adhesive substance that is released during the pressing of wood, sunflower husks, and other environmentally friendly materials. Fuel briquettes are used as solid fuel for fireplaces, stoves, and solid fuel boilers. Due to their environmental friendliness and practically smokeless combustion, they are ideal for heating residential buildings, baths, tent greenhouses, and other premises. Due to the pressing, briquettes are denser than firewood. Their minimum density significantly exceeds the density of even the hardest wood species. This affects the calorific value: for briquettes it can reach 6000 kcal/kg, while for firewood it is 4000-4700 kcal/kg. Among the obvious advantages of briquettes is that they take up much less space than firewood. Also, when using briquettes, there will be no garbage and bark residues near the firebox or in the storage area. Prices for Pini Kay fuel briquettes in Ukraine as of 2024 range from 8500 to 10100 UAH/ton.

This is a project that will bring the investor $70,000 annually.

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